Quantities and Covered-Interest Parity”, (Tobias J. Moskowitz, Chase P. Ross, Sharon Y. Ross, Kaushik Vasudevan) 2024 WAIFS

The Trade Imbalance Network and Currency Returns”, (Ai Jun Hou, Lucio Sarno, and Xiaoxia Ye) 2024 WFA

“Trade Credit and Exchange Rate Risk Pass Through”, (Felipe Saffie, Bryan Hardy, Ina Simonovska) 6th IMF Annual Macro-Financial Research Conference

"Financial Distortions: Sovereign Borrowing and Firm Access to International Capital Markets" (Pablo Hernando-Kaminsky, Graciela Laura Kaminsky, Shiyi Wang) 2024 ASSA Meeting

"Original Sin Redux: a model-based evaluation" (Boris Hofmann, Nikhil Patel, Steve Wu) 2024 ASSA Meeting

"Trade Disruptions and Global Banking" (Allen Berger, Freddy Pinzon Puerto, Peter Karlström, Matias  Ossandon Busch), 5th BIS workshop on Research on global financial stability: the use of BIS international banking and financial statistics

"Explaining the Great Moderation Exchange Rate Volatility Puzzle" (Vania Stavrakeva and Jenny Tang), 24th Jacques Polak Annual Research Conference in honor of Ken Rogoff  and Video  

"Non-bank financial intermediaries and financial stability" (Sirio Aramonte, Andreas Schrimpf and Hyun Song Shin), Atlanta Fed’s 2023 Financial Markets Conference  and Video  

"Banking Across Borders: Are Chinese Banks Different?" (Eugenio Cerutti, Catherine Casanova, Swapan-Kumar Pradhan), 2023 Basel Committee Research Group and OCC Workshop 

"Global Risk and the Dollar" (Georgios Georgiadis, Gernot J. Müller, Ben Schumann), 2022 NY FED Global Research Forum on International Macroeconomics and Finance 

"Asset Prices, Global Portfolios, and the International Financial System" (Maxime Sauzet), 2022 WFC 

"Hidden Default" (Sebastian Horn, Carmen Reinhart, Christoph Trebesch), 2022 ASSA Meetings 

“International trade and currency conversion of corporate debt” (Yang Jiao), CEBRA 2021 Annual Meeting 

“Macroprudential Policy during COVID: The Role of Policy Space” (Bergant and Forbes), Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) and the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) Conference on Macro-financial stability policy in a globalised world: lessons from international experience (May 2021); 

“U.S. Banks and Global Liquidity” (Correa, Liao, and Du), ECB Money Market Conference; (November 2020)

“Why is Dollar Debt Cheaper? Evidence from Peru,” (Gutierrez, Ivashina and Salomao), NBER International Macro and Finance group (October 2020); 

“From Carry Trades to Trade Credit: Financial Intermediation by Non-Financial Corporations” (Hardy and Saffie), 3rd Washington Area International Finance Symposium (WAIFS) (September 2020); 

IMF Webinar “Dominant Currencies and the Limits of Exchange Rate Flexibility” (Gita Gopinath) IMF (July 2020)